Event hours: 6pm-9pm (unless hours are otherwise noted) RAIN OR SHINE!
1300 N Northlake Way
Artist: Kieran Jendro, Photography
"I first fell in love with Paris as I climbed the stairs out of the Metro for the first time. I have returned many times since that first visit, to experience and photograph what I know and love about the City of Light. My favorite images are those that capture a moment of Paris life, frozen, be it the light and wind in the trees in a square, the play of sunlight on the surface of the Seine , or a quiet street after nightfall." - Jendro
Wine for $5/glass (or 5/$20). Live pre-WWII style jazz/swing by Casey MacGill’s Blue 4 Trio, and Fusion on the Run will be serving their Hawaiian-inspired cuisine in the parking lot. This is a great place to start your evening and then work your way around to the other galleries!
Winery Hours: Friday 3pm-9pm
Phone: 206.632.7516
Venue: Johnston Architects PLLC
100 NE Northlake Way, Ste. 200
"My work is inspired by magic, ritual, and an exploration of the concept of the uncanny. I am interested in the mind's attempts to make sense of confusing or contradictory stimuli, and my artistic process tends to hover on the border between unpredictability and stability, attraction and repulsion, fragility and strength, reflectivity and transparency." - Kain
Selections from 3 of Kain's bodies of work (the "Apsis", "Synesthesia", and "Reliquaries" series) will be on view from 6-8pm during Fremont Art Walk.
Phone: 206.523.6150
122 NW 36th St.
Exhibit: Clark Little, Photography
Clark Little captures the extraordinary power and beauty of the “shorebreak” with the confidence of an experienced surfer through the camera lens. Born in California and raised in Hawaii, his view is a unique and often dangerous perspective of waves captured from the inside out. Clark's work has been published in major publications such as National Geographic, Sierra Magazine, Nikon World, and Surfer's Journal, and he has been featured on Good Morning America, Inside Edition, and The Today Show. As winner of the 2010 Oceans Photography Award, his award winning photographs will be hanging at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC from April - Sept. 2011. Meanwhile, you can enjoy his newest works printed on aluminum at evo TimesInfinity Gallery in April. The images seem to pop from the surface of the metal and possess an almost 3D feel…don't miss this!
Clark Little captures the extraordinary power and beauty of the “shorebreak” with the confidence of an experienced surfer through the camera lens. Born in California and raised in Hawaii, his view is a unique and often dangerous perspective of waves captured from the inside out. Clark's work has been published in major publications such as National Geographic, Sierra Magazine, Nikon World, and Surfer's Journal, and he has been featured on Good Morning America, Inside Edition, and The Today Show. As winner of the 2010 Oceans Photography Award, his award winning photographs will be hanging at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC from April - Sept. 2011. Meanwhile, you can enjoy his newest works printed on aluminum at evo TimesInfinity Gallery in April. The images seem to pop from the surface of the metal and possess an almost 3D feel…don't miss this!
Regular hours: M-Sat 11-8pm, Sun. 11-7pm
Phone: 206.973.4470
Venue: Kylie's Chicago Pizza
3601 Fremont Ave N., #101 (entrance on 36th)
Jesse Link has been many things over the years, including a student, a soldier at war, a volunteer helping with the reconstruction effort of New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina, and for the past 5 years a Seattle artist. As a child he commonly made the newspapers for winning art contests, and as a student he graduated from the Art Institute near the top of his class with a degree in Industrial Design. A self taught Painter, Jesse focuses largely on color and shape, while his themes range from subtle social/political to Northwest inspired.
Regular hours: Tu-Th 5-10pm, F-Sa 5-11pm,Su 5-10pm
Phone: 206.632.2266
Venue: Dragonfly Holistic Healing
760 N. 34th St.
Artist: Dean Wenick, Photography
One of Wenick's earliest memories is taking pictures of President Ford and Emperor Hirohito of Japan during a second-grade trip to the White House as a child. He later learned fundamental camera and darkroom skills at the Smithsonian Institution Young Associate Program. After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Government he studied fine art printing with Charles Hrbeck in Boston. He has been strongly influenced by the storytelling techniques used in Life, Smithsonian and National Geographic magazines.
This show “Japan — A Portrait” utilizes images from black and white slide film, digitally printed on pure cotton paper with pure carbon pigments. The result: prints that should remain as luminous 500 years from now as they are today. These photographs give the viewer a glimpse of Japan today: people working, playing and loitering shown side by side to create one portrait, one look at the face of Japan.
Regular hours: M-F 9am-9pm
Phone: 206.319.5323
Venue: Fremont Brewing Co.
3409 Woodland Park Ave N.
Artist: Matthew Himmelspach, Woodblock, Intaglio, and Monotype Prints
Himmelspach focuses on time-tested Intaglio, Monotype, and large-scale Woodblock printing, some of which he then embellishes with India ink, watercolors, acrylics, or chalk pastels. His collection leans towards environmental subject matter and includes many one-of-a-kind works, as well as hand-printed woodblocks in varied editions using a variety of colors to change the atmosphere and feel of the artwork. Matthew studied Art Education at Central Michigan University and substitute teaches K-12 in two eastside school districts in the Seattle area.
Regular Hours: Th-Fri 4-8:30 pm, Sat. Noon-8:30 pm, Sun. Noon-5pm
Phone: 206.420.2407
Venue: Urban Earth - A Nursery In Fremont
1051 N. 35th St.
Artist: Lee Hendrickson, Photography
Drawing on his experience as a research scientist and his formal training as a photographer, Hendrickson's images of crystals bring together science and art into what he calls unique “molecular landscapes” in stunning detail.
Phone: 206.632.1760
Venue: Gallery NoteBleu
600 N. 36th Street, Floor 3
Artist: Suzy Clarke, Acrylic Paintings
Gallery Notebleu presents acrylic paintings on canvas by local artist Suzy Clarke of Blazing Heart Studios.
Phone: 206.905.9278
Venue: Hub And Bespoke
513 N. 36th St., Seattle WA 98103
Emily Alice Peck’s work is encaustic art, using wax, heat, and pigment. She began developing her technique almost 3 years ago: “The canvas built of wood, using plaster/fresco base, color oil pastels, acrylic, oil, milk and clay paints. The lines are etched, and finished with layers of wax.” Stop in and see these playful bicycle-focused pieces before they move on to another lucky venue at the end of April!
Venue: Pel'Meni Dumpling Tzar
3516 Fremont Pl N
Artist: Bala Dodoye-Alali, Photography
Whether Bala is taking photographs of a mountain landscape or a city street, her work reflects her eye for detail. Her love of travel has taken her to many places throughout the Pacific NW, Europe and Asia…stop in and see the visual fruits of those travels at Pel'Meni Dumpling Tzar on April 1st. Cookies and beverages will be served, and dumplings are $1 off during the art walk.
Phone: 206.387.1702
Regular hours: 5pm - late night, Everyday
Venue: Fremont Jewelry Design
3510 Fremont Place N
"Kidnapped at birth by crazed Irish nuns, Kree was rescued by marauding Tuareg cyber warriors. Trained in the arcane skills of subterfuge, fantasy and fomenting small rebellions, she was downloaded into a Dutch windmill where years of solitude sparked her passion for the arts. Kree’s work ranges from the ridiculous to the sublime, depending upon her feeding schedule. Her experiences as a graphic artist, miniaturist, bohemian world citizen and itinerant henna dervish influence her acrylic, mixed media and digital pieces. Rife with exotic henna patterns, riddled with steamy visual contraptions or dipped in the glittery afterglow of serene shisha dreams – you decide!" Also, free jewelry inspection/cleaning while you enjoy the art & refreshments!
Regular hours: Tues-Sat 10-6pm
Phone: 206.547.5551
Venue: Frame-Up Studios
3515 Fremont Ave. N
Artist: Taylor McAtee, Photography
McAtee's specialty is High Dynamic Range Photography (HDR), wherein an image is assembled in Photoshop from multiple, varying exposures of a single subject. His exhibit "Seattle - North, South, East and West" showcases this technique with Seattle's skyline standing in as the subject. Taylor holds a BA in Media Arts with an emphasis in Photography from the University of South Carolina.
Phone: 206.547.4657
Regular hours: M-Sa 10am-6pm, Su 11am-5pm
McAtee's specialty is High Dynamic Range Photography (HDR), wherein an image is assembled in Photoshop from multiple, varying exposures of a single subject. His exhibit "Seattle - North, South, East and West" showcases this technique with Seattle's skyline standing in as the subject. Taylor holds a BA in Media Arts with an emphasis in Photography from the University of South Carolina.
Phone: 206.547.4657
Regular hours: M-Sa 10am-6pm, Su 11am-5pm

Venue: Fremont Coffee Company
459 N 36th St.
Youth Artists: Isaac, Deividas, Emma, Natalie, Lukas, Kale, Ben and Angus, Photography
Stop in and show your support for eight 4th-8th grade students from Billings Middle School, John Hay Elementary, Coe Elementary and Lowell Elementary who are exhibiting their photography in this group show!
The students used iPhone and iPod cameras and a variety of applications to capture their unique perspective on the surroundings. Whether alley-side objects or capturing their take on well known sculptures of the Olympic Park, the fascinating visuals they've created give us a glimpse into the world they see: full of colors, textures, and light. Curated by Elma Creative Arts Studio.
Phone: 206.632.3633
Regular hours: M-Fri 6am-9pm, Sa 7am-9pm, Su 7am-8pm
Venue: ArtFX Gallery
420 N. 35th St.
"I have always made art. My eyes and my heart have always been excited by the ability to create something out of nothing. I weave with yard waste, or gathered materials. I spend many hours LOOKING at things entranced by how one takes a three dimensional object, puts it on two dimensional paper to make it look three dimensional. That thrills me." ArtFX Gallery is pleased to show the results of her creative wanderings!
Regular hours: Thursday to Sunday, 12-5pm
Phone: 206.545.7459
My name is Eric Stefani. I really like this drawing of the Pomegranate. How would I go about asking permission to use this image with a sheet music project of mine?
Very nice work.
You can contact me at this email
Thank you,
Eric Stefani
My name is Eric Stefani. I really like this drawing of the Pomegranate. How would I go about asking permission to use this image with a sheet music project of mine?
Very nice work.
You can contact me at this email
Thank you,
Eric Stefani
My name is Eric Stefani. I really like this drawing of the Pomegranate. How would I go about asking permission to use this image with a sheet music project of mine?
Very nice work.
You can contact me at this email
Thank you,
Eric Stefani
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