6-9 PM
(unless hours are otherwise noted)
Come to dance or just to tap your feet to the music. Swing dancers will abound and refreshments will be provided.
Fremont Store-Frontal Exposure, (the project formerly known as "Fremont Expose Yourself To Art"), now has Mylinda Sneed of the Fremont Arts Council at the helm! She will have a tent set up near the Lenin statue from 6-8:30pm with info on the project and how to get involved. Fremont Store-Frontal Exposure's purpose is to activate vacant Fremont store fronts by pairing them with local artists who would like to show their work within these spaces. Follow the project on Twitter: @FremontExposure
or Facebook: Fremont Store-Frontal Exposure
707 N 35th Avenue (above Yak's)
Artists: Joe Alterio
Joe Alterio is an illustrator, animator, comic creator, and artist, interested in narrative structure, collective creativity, and the physical manifestations of story-telling. He has been at the forefront of using new technology to push forward the graphic narrative medium and how we interact with online art, from his early Robot Revolution posters, through his mobile comic The Basic Virus, to his most recent work with Robots and Monsters. Alterio's work has appeared in and for the Boston Globe, Art Forum, Boing Boing, Drawn!, BarnesandNoble.com, The BLDGBLOG Book, etc.
Phone: 206.395.5085
Venue: Frame-Up Studios
3515 Fremont Ave. N
Artist: Taylor McAtee
"I shoot what is referred to as High Dynamic Range Photography (HDR). What that essentially means is that I take several different shots of each subject at different exposure values. I then layer all of these separate exposures on top of each other in PhotoShop, pulling out what I like from each individual exposure."
Phone: 206.547.4657
Regular hours: Daily 10:30am-6pm
Venue: Studio R
315 N. 36th St., Ste# 201 (2nd floor, above Piece of Mind)
Artist: Ron Henry
Studio R is please to present “Year of the Dog”, photographs by local artist Ron Henry. Silent Auction 6:00-8:30pm, and all net proceeds will be donated to Old Dog Haven, an animal rescue network of private homes helping Western Washington’s homeless senior dogs in their golden years.
Venue: Fremont Brewing Co.
3409 Woodland Park Ave N.
Artist: Todd Smith
Todd Smith enjoys taking photographs of monotonous patterns and grids, which he then prints multiple copies of to slice apart, reassemble in layers and recreate in overwhelming scale and quantity. His large scale transparencies on canvas range in size from 24"x18" to 4'x4', making a powerful statement.
Regular hours: Thurs-Sat 4pm-8:30pm
Phone: 206-420-2407
1300 N Northlake Way
Artist: Antoinette
Local artist Antoinette has been working extensively with the henna artform since 2001, and is strongly influenced by traditional Indian and Middle Eastern henna designs. By transferring these designs to canvas and acrylic, Antoinette takes a traditionally a temporary art form on the skin and gives it a place of permanence.
509 Wines offers a FREE wine tasting on the night of the art walk, plus free parking in it's east lot. This is a great place to start your evening and then work your way around to the other galleries!
Winery Hours: Friday 3pm-9pm
Phone: 206.632.7516
Venue: Theo Chocolate
3400 Phinney Ave n
Artists: music by WorkinProgress and The Moss Lake, collages by Alex Schwartz
Come celebrate National Ice Cream Sandwich Day with Theo from 2-9pm (filling provided by local fav Molly Moon's!), and enjoy live music while you're there!
WorkinProgress (7:15-8pm) is presently a one-woman band: Marianne Robertson, a singer/songwriter/self-taught guitar player. Her acoustic folk rock songs pull from a variety of influences including art, music and life in general.
The Moss Lake (8-9pm) is comprised of two members of popular Seattle jug bands who share a passion for old timey and DIY music. By rearranging modern pop and dance hits in a traditional style using the banjo and mountain dulcimer, The Moss Lake hopes to change the content of the Seattle old timey scene without altering the context.
Visual artist Alex Schwartz will be showing his collages from 6-9pm, and helping attendees try their own hand at the craft. The Venezuelan born artist lived all over the North American map before settling in the Pacific northwest, the influence of which can be sensed in the colliding imagery within his work.
Phone: 206.632.5100
Regular hours: Daily 10am-6pm

Venue: NoteBleu
600 N. 36th Street, Floor 3
Sara Tro is a Seattle photographer who delights in using old formats to gain new insight into our world. Much of her photography focuses on deriving a spark of intrigue from the mundane. Live music by Nuevo Flamenco Guitar Trio.
Phone: 206.923.9278
Venue: Flying Apron Bakery
3510 Fremont Ave. N.
Artist: Wyn Bielaska
Architect Wyn Bielaska has been photographing ship hulls for the past 15 years. "These photographs are part of an ongoing exploration utilizing large steel ship hulls as the central subject matter in the study of manmade materials and the impact of natural forces upon them. They are important exercises for me as a visual designer . . . that serve my daily pursuit of spatial and form composition." Selections for this show were photographed in Vancouver BC, Seattle and Tacoma Washington.
Regular hours: M-W 8am-6pm, Th-Sun 8am-8pm
Phone: 206.442.1115
Venue: Creativity Loves Company
619 N. 35th St., Ste. 110 (alley behind PCC)
Artists: the photographers of CLC
Creativity Loves Company will be displaying an assortment of work by their talented staff of photographers. Also not to be missed: the homemade cake du jour, a regular delight to all that walk through their door since they joined the art walk a few months ago.
Phone: 206.397.4314
Venue: ArtFX Gallery
420 N. 35th St.
Artist: Doug Stacy
Doug Stacy's "Classical Glass" show is comprised of cast-off glass pieces that he's fashioned into new works that are not only beautiful, but functional, durable, and intended to be incorporated into everyday use. The true mission of recycling is to produce a new functional item. Please join us and pick up a piece or two for your use!
Regular hours: Thursday to Sunday, 12-5pm
Phone: 206.545.7459
122 NW 36th St.
Join us for a Fundraiser for the Bedouins, a new non-profit with a focus on using skateboarding and street art as instruments of peace between Arab and Israeli youth. "Yallah! Artivism for Peace" is a group show that validates art as a vehicle for creative expression with a positive purpose. Support us in mixing art and activism for peace in the Middle East. The event will be a collaborative art show including skate decks, paintings, photos, video and music with the purpose of raising awareness and funds for peace projects for Arab and Israeli youth.
Regular hours: M-Sat 11-8pm, Sun. 11-7pm
Phone: 206.973.4470
Venue: Infinite One Wellness
3519 Fremont Place N, Ste B
Live music, live painting, and affordable art are on the menu at Infinite One Wellness (located in the former "Orange Splot" space in the heart of Fremont).
Phone: 206.708.1789
Regular hours: Tu-Sa 10am-6pm, Su 11am-4pm
Venue: Fremont Jewelry Design
3510 Fremont Place N
Artist: Cheryl Richey
Richey’s spontaneous, mixed-media paintings are like haiku poems, an elegant visual metaphor for a profound truth. As always, free jewelry inspection, polishing & cleaning the night of the Art Walk.
Regular hours: Tues-Sat 10-6pm
Phone: 206.547.5551
Venue: Dragonfly Holistic Healing
760 N. 34th St.
Artist: Nick Orban
Nick Orban is an oil painter whose work captures the Northwestern Landscape for what it is: moody, ever changing, always beautiful. The current focus of his newer work is split between the local urban landscapes and the surrounding wilderness. Nick is a graduate of the Ringling School of Art and Design, and holds a BFA in Illustration. He has shown his work extensively in Atlanta and Seattle.
Regular hours: M-F 9am-9pm
Phone: 206.319.5323
110 N. 36th St. Seattle, WA 98103
Artist: Lauren Iida
Iida Design creates quality tailored women's apparel and accessories and maintains ethical fashion practices. Her products make use of vintage and reclaimed materials and transforms them into new pieces. Each Iida Design product is hand made in Phnom Penh by Circle Cambodia. This social enterprise supports a small group of vulnerable young women from impoverished rural areas of the country by providing them a fair wage, free housing, food, literacy classes in Khmer and English, continued sewing skills training, and a safe and healthy workplace.
Phone: 206-547-1025
Venue: Caffe Vita
4301 Fremont Ave. N
Artist: Erik Andrew
Regular hours: M-F 6am-8pm, Sat-Sun 7am-8pm
Phone: 206.632.3535
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